Mice in your bed?

Waking up to a mouse in your bed is a nightmare come true and once they’ve gotten into your mattress, there’s not a whole lot you can do. That’s why it’s critical to make sure they can’t – or don’t want to – access your room in the first place. Avoid eating in your bedroom and keep it free of clutter so there’s nowhere for them to burrow. If you do suspect mice in your bedroom, the team of experts at Abra Kadabra can help. We’ll inspect your home, eliminate existing mice using traps or rodenticides and seal up any cracks larger than ¼ inch using metal chew-resistant materials, not foam, to make sure these critters stay outside. 

Control Your Mouse Problem Today!

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To request a consultation, call Abra Kadabra at (763) 537-0330. We’re happy to discuss your concerns with you.