How to keep mice out of your summer cabin?

Mice can get into your summer cabin in a variety of ways and all they need is a ¼ inch opening to gain access and start wreaking havoc – not exactly what you want to find when you’re starting your summer vacation. If you suspect you’ve got mice in your summer cabin, Abra Kadabra’s team of experts is here to help. 

We’ll inspect your property to find any vulnerable spots in your foundation, roofline, walls, soffits, contact points, garage doors, decks, gutter lines and attic and then seal them up using metal chew-resistant materials to prevent future infestations. Our technicians are trained to find even the smallest of gaps, giving you the peace of mind that your home is protected from unwelcome visitors. 

Control Your Mouse Problem Today!

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To request a consultation, call Abra Kadabra at (763) 537-0330. We’re happy to discuss your concerns with you.