Bat FAQ's

Your Bat Control & Exclusion Partner

Why are bats protected?

Bats are protected because they are a critical part of the ecosystem. Because they are often the sole predator of many flying insects, bats are the only animal who can keep the insect population at bay. 

There was recently a drastic decrease in the number of little brown bats due to White Nose Syndrome, a viral disease that bats contract during their torpor state. White Noise Syndrome causes bats to get irritated and become too active during the time they are supposed to be resting so they can survive throughout the year. Roughly 90 percent of the little brown bats died over the course of two years, which led to some bats being put on the endangered species list. At Abra Kadabra, we believe bats are all important and because of that, we don’t want to kill any of them, even if they’re not on the protected or endangered list. 

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