How do I keep mosquitoes away?

Wind can make it more difficult for mosquitoes to fly and congregate so installing an outdoor ceiling fan can definitely help reduce their numbers. However, what’s really important is making sure you don’t have standing water on your property. Even one bottle cap full of water can produce 1,000 mosquito larva so it’s definitely worth your while to monitor your yard to prevent water from building up. Additionally, keeping your grass mowed is also a good idea because a well-maintained lawn gives mosquitoes less area to hang out and multiply.

Control Your Mosquito Problem Today!

Please fill out this form if you are interested in mosquito control services. All of our services are fully warrantied! A representative of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services will be in touch with you shortly.

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To request a consultation, call Abra Kadabra at (763) 537-0330. We’re happy to discuss your concerns with you.