What are the dangers of having mosquito bites?

From a dermatological standpoint, everyone responds differently to mosquito bites. Some people end up with terrible allergic reactions while others don’t feel bites at all. However, one of the big dangers associated with mosquito bites is that they can spread diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus and dengue fever among the human population. And it’s not just humans that can be harmed by mosquitoes. For example, if a mosquito bites something that has heartworms and then bites your dog, your dog could be at risk for getting heartworm if he or she isn’t on preventative medicine. 

Control Your Mosquito Problem Today!

Please fill out this form if you are interested in mosquito control services. All of our services are fully warrantied! A representative of Abra Kadabra Environmental Services will be in touch with you shortly.

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To request a consultation, call Abra Kadabra at (763) 537-0330. We’re happy to discuss your concerns with you.