Bat FAQ's

Your Bat Control & Exclusion Partner

Are bat boxes effective?

The answer to this question is “it depends.” We’ve seen shoebox-sized bat boxes with more than 30 bats inside! But while installing bat boxes can be part of a bat remediation plan, it’s no substitute for a full bat eviction protocol performed by the experts at Abra Kadabra. This comprehensive process will get rid of any bats you currently have and ensure that they don’t come back to your home during their 15-30 year lifespan.

One major downside to bat boxes is that when people install them on and around the exterior of their homes, bat droppings (guano) can fall below the base of the box. This can pose a health risk to humans, especially children who might be curious about the contents of the box, get too close to it and end up inhaling the spores. This can lead to a serious respiratory infection so if you do install a bat box, make sure you clean the area around it periodically to ensure the safety of your children and pets. 

Depending on the area of the country you’re in, the color of bat boxes can vary. In Minnesota, darker colors are best because they retain heat and bats are always looking for a warm place to stay. In cooler areas, a lighter-colored box can be effective as well. 

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