Signs Of A Bed Bug Infestation

High Quality Bed Bug Removal Company

How Bed Bugs Infestations Happen

Bed bugs are a hitchhiking pest that homeowners hope to never encounter. Unfortunately, they can easily avoid detection while traveling, moving, or relocating via used goods. Their flat, small bodies allow them to fit within spaces as small as the width of a credit card, or even less. They may enter your home from an adjoining living space, or be carried in undetected by latching on to furniture, clothing, luggage or shipped materials.

Bed Bugs & Humans

Blood is the bed bug’s food source. They are attracted to human scent from as far as 5 feet away, and it has been noted they may also be attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale. Infestations typically begin centered around a feeding location, and push further outward as their population grows. They will cluster up on beds, on armchairs or couches, in nightstands and dressers, in closets, and even behind photo frames or in electrical outlets in close proximity to the feeding locations.

Signs Of Bed Bug Infestation

One common sign of a potential bed bug infestation is noticing small, itchy bites on your body after waking up. These bites may occur in a linear pattern. If you suspect you have an infestation, contact a professional or remove all bedding immediately to check for bedbugs in the mattress seams. Their harborage areas are usually close to the host, however, they can be found harboring as far as 20 feet from the feeding location.
Other signs of an infestation are black fecal matter observed in corners and crevices, or behind dressers and nightstands, or even malted cases left behind by the bed bugs. While physicians are unlikely to be able to identify bed bugs by their bites, a thorough inspection will always reveal them.

Control Your Bed Bug Problem Today!

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Abra Kadabra Environmental Services is a member of the Better Business Bureau (with an A+ rating), NPMA (National Pest Management Association) and the MPMA (Minnesota Pest Management Association). We take our business and the safety of our clients seriously, striving to improve the lives of our neighbors with efficient, environmentally mindful pest treatments. Visit our Reviews page to see first-hand testimonials and recommendations.
Give us a call to discuss the issue you’re facing. With our years of experience, we’ve likely managed similar episodes many times. We’ll help you find a solution that works for you and your family.
To request a consultation, call Abra Kadabra at (763) 537-0330. We’re happy to discuss your concerns with you.