Episode 06 – Priscilla Nyamweya – Prioritizing Self-Care for Single Moms

Episode Summary

In this episode, Priscilla Nyamweya, a single mother, shares her experiences and challenges as a single mom. Priscilla also shares her background, the difficulties of doing it alone, and how she navigates being a single mom while striving to provide a great life for her daughter. She emphasizes the importance of leaning on friends who become like family and finding support in the community. Priscilla also discusses how her Christian faith influences her parenting approach and the importance of dating with intention as a single mom. She highlights the need for work-life balance, self-care, and prioritizing the well-being of her daughter. Priscilla’s goal is to inspire and support other single moms through sharing her experiences and learning from others.

Key Takeaways

  • Being a single mom comes with its own set of challenges, such as doing it alone and not having a partner to face the difficulties with.
  • Building a support system is crucial for single moms, whether it’s friends who become like family or involvement in the community.
  • Christian faith can play a significant role in a single mom’s parenting approach, providing guidance and instilling values in their children.
  • Dating as a single mom requires intention and finding someone who will be a good fit for both the mom and the child.
  • Balancing work and parenting as a single mom is essential, and setting boundaries is crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Prioritizing self-care is important for single moms to recharge and take care of their mental health.
  • Inspiring and supporting other single moms is a goal that can be achieved through sharing experiences, learning from others, and building a community.


00:00 Introduction to the Challenges of Single Motherhood

03:15 Navigating the Challenges of Being a Single Mom

05:38 Building a Support System: Friends as Family

06:05 The Influence of Christian Faith on Parenting

08:49 Dating with Intention as a Single Mom

26:13 Prioritizing Self-Care for Single Moms

31:16 Inspiring and Supporting Other Single Moms

Guest Resources

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/priscilla.nyamweya

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/prettypre3/

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/priscilla-nyamweya-b2a746129/
