Homes do not age overnight – it takes time for homes to break down and not be as effective as they once were. As years continue to pass, the various weather elements take their toll on Minnesota homes via sun bleaching, ground shifting and changing temperatures. Specifically, the shifting of the ground around the foundation of a house is caused by both settling and temperature changes.
Differences Between Warm & Cold Weather Effects On Homes
The warm summer weather can cause the ground to shrink and crack, while winter temperatures cool the soil and freeze the water in it, causing an expansion. This puts stress on your home’s foundation which can lead to the formation of gaps and cracks, along with stresses in other parts of the structure. The effects of temperature changes are typically visible throughout the foundation of your home.
Not only does the varying temperature affect the ground, but it also can directly affect your home exterior. Changes in air temperature can cause changes to your home as well. While the materials your home is built with are designed to expand and contract depending on the temperature, there are some unfortunate side effects.
During the warm days of summer, building materials will expand and push up tighter against one another where they meet (at junctions). In contrast, the colder winter air oftentimes causes material contraction and micromovements, leaving weak points at those same junctions. This means that materials measured and cut on an 85 degree afternoon will not have the same tight fit when it’s a blustery 15 degrees out.
Common Seasonal Damages
With Minnesota temperatures ranging from -45 degree days in the winter to 100+ degree days in the summer, it’s clear to see how temperature changes can be a major factor in the development of gaps and cracks in our Minnesota homes. A few other contributing factors that contribute to home breakdown include the age of your home’s building materials, previous water damage, and any previous significant heat loss on a given part of the home.
Check out a few examples of temperature change damages that we come across on a typical day of exclusion work:

These examples are just a few of the places these shifts can be observed. Because of the massive difference in temperature we experience, seasonal damage can occur anywhere that materials meet one another on the home. In some instances, a crack can even form within a previously solid material.
These gaps and cracks can spell disaster for a homeowner if left unaddressed. Heating and cooling expenses can skyrocket as energy leaks out of the roofline and many other junctions of your home. With these damages on your home, this means that water is a bigger threat to cause structural damage, and wildlife have an easier time finding their way inside.
Pest, Wildlife & Exclusion Experts

If you want to protect your home or business from wildlife and pests entering through these areas of your home, contact the experts at Abra Kadabra Environmental Services today! Our team of pest and wildlife exclusion professionals specialize in identifying and repairing these problem areas in order for your home or business to stay pest and wildlife-free.
Our technicians utilize the highest quality sealants, adhesive and exclusion materials to ensure that our repairs will stand the test of time and provide protection from wildlife and pests for years to come. If you’re located in the greater Twin Cities, MN area, contact the professionals at Abra Kadabra today!