How to Keep Birds and Rodents From Damaging Your Solar Panel Equipment

Solar panels are the best way to maintain a sustainable lifestyle. They help you cut energy costs and protect the environment. This type of technology can be a big investment for a family or a business. Solar panel installation takes time, effort, and money, so finding ways to ensure its protection is essential.

  Solar panels are built to be tough and withstand heat and cold, inclement weather, and even various levels of impact. However, some wildlife such as rodents and birds pose a threat that some solar panels cannot handle.

Wildlife also play a huge role in balancing our ecosystem. In many ways, we’ve lived with different types of wildlife, maintaining environmental harmony. Taking care of and protecting them is one way to contribute to our ecosystem, just like how solar panels play a huge role in ensuring sustainability as they use the sun’s power to convert energy. That said, we should know how wild animals can confuse our solar power equipment as part of their ecosystem.

How Birds and Rodents Can Cause Damage to Your Solar Panels

Birds can nest on your panels or damage wiring with acidic droppings

There are different ways birds can cause damage to your solar panels. One of these is their acidic droppings, which may cause damage to your wiring or the panels themselves.

According to, bird droppings contain uric acid which, if left, can easily stain fabrics and eat through paints (most commonly seen on vehicles). It’s been well-documented that bird droppings can cause tens of thousands of dollars of damage to structures if left untreated and uncleaned. 

Also, birds are most likely to nest on your panels, as they often seek warmth and shelter to care for their young. The reflective surfaces of solar panels, like windows, often attract them.

Rodents can chew on your panel wiring – causing shorts or electrical faults


Rodents can also be a significant threat. They may chew on your solar panel wiring, causing shorts and electrical faults, which can result in a severe fire hazard. 

In these cases, you can only think about how to protect and maintain your solar panel system from these hazards. 


What are Solar Panel Exclusion Services and How Do They Work?


Controlling animals around solar panels creates a unique challenge, as you must ensure they are away without compromising the panels’ operational efficiency. There are a few methods to achieve this, including: 


  • Critter guards: These are physical barriers installed around the perimeter of solar panels to keep out rodents. These can be made of metal mesh, wire, or other chew-resistant materials.
  • Anti-bird measures: Netting or spikes placed above or around solar panels can keep birds from nesting under or landing around them. 
  • Pest sealant: This liquid or foam can fill specific gaps and openings to keep insects out. 
  • Wire wrapping: Protective materials make it harder for rodents to chew through electric cables attached to the panels.


Although physical barriers are crucial to safeguarding your solar panels, they should not be relied upon exclusively; regular maintenance is essential. Routine inspections of all anti-pest measures are needed to verify that they are functioning correctly. Additionally, the panels themselves require inspection to confirm that pests haven’t found a way around your preventive measures.


How Abra Kadabra Environmental Can Protect Your Solar Panels 


That’s where we come into the picture. We use a solar panel exclusion system specifically designed for solar panels to prevent wildlife from nesting and entering under the solar panels and potentially causing damage. This kit is designed to be installed without holes being made in the solar panels and can be removed for maintenance. To learn more, you can visit our website, call us at (763) 265-7356 or email us at


Wrapping It Up


Prevention is better than cure. No matter how much we love watching these wild animals, they can also harm our beloved solar panel equipment, so investing in exclusion services is better to avoid damage. By doing so, you are not only keeping your business or family safe, but you can also ensure the longevity of your solar panel system.


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