Familiarizing Flying Squirrels in Minneapolis Areas: Identification & Removal Strategies

They may look cute, but don’t let their big eyes and gliding tricks fool you—flying squirrels can be a real nuisance. These nocturnal creatures sneak into attics, chew through wires, and leave behind foul-smelling messes. 

If you’re hearing strange noises at night or noticing unexplained damage, you might have some unexpected squatters. In this article, we will dive deeper into what you need to know about flying squirrels and how to keep them out of your home for good. 

Getting to Know the Flying Squirrel

Two types of flying squirrels can be found in North America: the northern and southern flying squirrels. Having them called “flying squirrels” is a bit inaccurate. However, these rodents use unique flaps of skin to glide among treetops. Flying squirrels are not capable of flying like birds or bats. Though they are common throughout the United States, humans rarely see flying squirrels because they are nocturnal. 

The Northern and southern flying squirrels are very similar in size and appearance. 

Their bodies are covered in gray or brown fur. One way to determine the difference between the species is to look at the color of their undersides. The bellies of northern flying squirrels usually appear gray, while the southern flying squirrel is white. 

These rodents grow between 8 and 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) long, with their tails accounting for at least half of their length, and northern flying squirrels are about two inches longer than their southern cousins on average.

During flight, Flying squirrels use their flat tails as brakes and their flaps of skin extend from their ankles to their wrists that function similarly to parachutes. Moreover, they have large eyes that help them see in the dark, as they are nocturnal and more active at night. 

Geographically, there is much overlap between southern and northern flying squirrel territories. Southern flying squirrels live further up to the south in Mexico and Honduras and can live much further north in southeastern Canada.

On the other hand, Northern flying squirrels are found throughout Alaska and Canada and extend as far south as Tennessee and North Carolina. Southern flying squirrels prefer to nest in forests of seed-producing hardwood trees, while northern flying squirrels live in deciduous and mixed forests. Both species build nests from twigs, bark, feathers, fur, and leaves in abandoned bird nests, dying trees, and woodpecker holes.

Squirrel Behavior by Species

Other than the flying squirrel, different squirrels may be present and have activities near your home. Their behavior can vary from their kind, and their activity can be dependent on the time of the day or season. Here are some types of intrusive squirrels: 

Grey Squirrels

  • Active during the day
  • Reproduce two times per year – Dec/Jan and May/June
  • Average of three per litter
  • Can enter through a hole the size of a tennis ball

Red Squirrels

  • Active during the day
  • Very territorial
  • Reproduce two times per year – in Feb/Mar and Jun/Jul
  • Can enter through a hole the size of a golf ball

Flying Squirrels

  • Nocturnal, active at night
  • Reproduce once a year – Dec/Jan or June
  • Three-four per litter
  • Can enter through a hole the size of a quarter 

Signs of Flying Squirrels Present in Your House

Squirrels are active creatures that are capable of doing severe damage to your home. They are excellent climbers who can chew through all types of materials and enter through the smallest openings to make their way into your home.

Due to their harmful activity, squirrels can do a large amount of damage to your property. They are especially prone to chewing through wood, plastic, sheet metal, insulation, and electrical lines.

Flying squirrels are small, agile, and love wooded areas. They can glide through the air between trees up to 100 feet from a tree to your home. These animals are nocturnal and travel in groups, so if you hear continuous scrambling noises from above, you most likely have a group of flying squirrels in your attic. This can result in havoc in your attic space if they go unnoticed.

If you require a squirrel exterminator, Abra Kadabra offers a range of residential and commercial services to ensure your home or business is pest-free. We are a pest control company based in Minneapolis metro committed to removing pests and unwanted visitors from your home.

How to Prevent Flying Squirrels in Your Property

Flying Squirrels can help spread fungi spores and seeds of trees, which is considerably beneficial for the ecosystem. However, They become problematic when they move onto lawns and into attics as they make a lot of sound at night. 

Flying squirrel urine smells foul and carries harmful bacteria. These pests also gnaw on walls, structural support beams, and wires.

If you own a property, like a home or an apartment complex, you can prepare for proofing your area by modifying your structure and yards to make the area less appealing to flying squirrels. 

You can seal all possible entry points by covering small openings, repairing cracks, replacing broken window and door screens, and adding screens to vents and chimneys.

Moreover, Eliminating food sources by securing indoor and outdoor trash bins with tightly sealed lids can also keep the Flying Squirrels away since food debris and its smell can attract them. Lastly, you can limit flying squirrels from accessing your roofing by trimming tree branches that hang over or near rooftops.

How Abra Kadabra Can Help in Flying Squirrel Removal

Usually, humans and flying squirrels can coexist peacefully. However, female flying squirrels can become aggressive when they feel their territory is threatened. 

Untrained individuals should never approach wild animals as interaction may result in injury. Contact the technicians at Wildlife Management Services for the humane and safe removal of flying squirrels from private property.

Suppose you have squirrel damage in your attic or other parts of your home. We can help you get rid of flying squirrel problems. Call today at 763-247-2742 or Request a home inspection to see if any squirrels or rodents exist on your property. 

Abra Kadabra Environmental Services offers squirrel removal services in Excelsior, Long Lake, Minnetonka, Mound, Orono, Wayzata, and other surrounding areas. 


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